utorak, 14. svibnja 2013.

Movies 2012
Soldiers of Fortune
Redatelj: Maxim Korostyshevsky

Christian Slater, Jon Barton, Sean Bean, Elena Beuca...   

Šta najviše vole milioneri ? Oni najviše vole da eksperimentišu, da doživljavaju stvari koje mnogima nisu dostupne, da pomijeraju granice...
U ovom filmu grupica milionera želi iz prve ruke vidjeti kako rat izgleda, i žele da su na samom ratištu. Oni unajmljuju Craig McKenzia (Christian Slater), bivšeg pripadnika specijalnog odreda Američke armije, da ih zaštiti dok oni uživaju u prizoru rata. Međutim, veoma brzo misija krene naopako, te će milioneri imati jedinstvenu priliku da dožive rat više nego što su to željeli...

UnderWorld : Awakeining 

Žanr: Akcija / Fantazija / Horor

Kate Beckinsale, Michael Ealy, India Eisley...

Reditelji: Mans Marlind i Bjorn Stein
Trajanje filma: 88 min.
IMDb ocjena 6.4

Radnja filma:
Radnja filma postavljena je 12 godina nakon događaja iz Underworld: Evolution, gde Selene (Kate Beckinsale) uspijeva da pobjegne iz dugogodišnjeg zatočeništva i otkriva koliko se svijet promenio. Ljudi su svjesni postojanja i vampira i vukodlaka i vode kampanju protiv obije vrste sve do njihovog potpunog istrebljenja. 
To je naravno dovelo do sveopšteg rata.  Na testu je odanost. Stvoreni su super-Lycani.
 Selena polazi u potragu za ćerkom za koju nije ni znala da postoji do sad,kao i za svojim izgubljenim Majklom.
Film je poprilično dobar.

Jurney 2 : Mysterious Island
Akcija / Avantura / SF

Reditelj filma:
Brad Peyton
Josh Hutcherson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine...
Trajanje filma 94 min.
Pustolovina počinje kada Šon primi šifrovani SOS. U SMS-u stoji da je poslat sa Mislerioznog ostrva, Misterioznog ostrva koje se nalazi tamo gde ne bi trebalo da postoji nijedno ostrvo.
Jedna od tajni na tom ostrvu ima veze sa Šonovim nestalim djedom, Aleksandrom. 
Šonov novi očuh  pridružuje se pohodu, pošto nije mogao da spreči Šona u odlasku tamo. Zajedno sa pilotom helikoptera  i njegovom prelijepom i odlučnom ćerkom , oni kreću u potragu za ostrvom kako bi izbavili jedinog stanovnika ostrva...
Međutim, tu se stvari zakompliciraju...
Akcija / Krimi / Drama

Adrian Grunberg

Mel Gibson, Peter Stormare, Dean Norris..
Radnja filma:
Priča prati glavnog junaka koji od stresa na poslu odlazi u Meksiko na odmor, a onda ga, kako je već i red spopadne sijaset neplaniranih situacija.
Trailer filma nam nudi zabavnu i simpatičnu predstavu o problemima kroz koje prolazi glavni junak, i po svemu sudeći ovo bi trebao biti odličan film.

Warth of Titans 
Akcija / Avantura / Fantazija

Reditelj filma:
Jonathan Liebesman

Glavne uloge:
Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson i Rosamund Pike

Trajanje filma 99 min.

Radnja filma:
Zbog manjka ljudske odanosti bogovi gube moć i bivaju oslabljeni. Slabljenjem gube kontrolu  nad zatočenim Titanima i njihovim divljim vođom Kronosom. 
Had  i Posejdon odavno su svrgnuli moćnog oca i ostavili ga da trune u ponoru Tartarusa ( Kronosa). 

Međutim, Had i Zeusov  sin Ares  sklope dogovor s Kronosom o zarobljavanju Zeusa. Zeus je potreban Kronosu da bi iz njega crpio moći koje će da ga oslobode.
Tek kada Zeus biva zarobljen Perzej je prinuđen da se ponovno upetlja u "božanske" poslove.
On traži pomoć Kraljice Andromede, Poseidonovog polu-božanskog sina Argenora i palog boga Hefesta, te se  upušta u podzemlje ne bi li spasio Zeusa, svrgnuo Titane i spasio čovječanstvo...

Thats' My Boy
Biste li voljeli imati oca koji je šašaviji od vas samih ? Kako biste se onda ponašali u toj poziciji da ste ? 
Adam Sandler je šašavi otac u filmu That's My Boy. On glumi oca koji duguje hiljade dolara poreza državi. Jedini spas mu je u tome da se obrati sinu kojeg je ignorirao cijeli život.

Adam Sandler nije običan otac: on je sve ono što ne biste baš previše željeli da imate. Kada se oni sretnu nastaje prava komedija...

World of Tanks Download link game:

A Huge Tank Arsenal

The huge tank arsenal at your disposal includes more than 220 vehicles from Germany, France, the Soviet Union, USA, Great Britain and China, and from the 1930’s to the 1950’s.
This is a unique opportunity to drive any armoured vehicle from this period. The game includes many legendary tanks from World War 2 such as the T-34, Tiger and Pershing.  There are also experimental models and prototypes which have never been seen on a real battlefield before. 

Epic Tank Clashes

Intense battles with up to 30 combat vehicles unfold on enormous and detailed battlefields featuring a variety of terrain from open fields with hills and forests to deserts and urban/industrial zones. The terrain offers a wide scope for tactical decisions ranging from aggressive fast-paced sweeps to elaborate flanking operations and diversionary attacks.

Deep Squad-based Gameplay

Are you out to conquer the world with your friends? Then our highly addictive squad-based gameplay will be the key to your victory. Countless new lands and territories will let you show off your teamwork. Clever distribution and accomplishment of tasks and objectives within your squad gives you a critical advantage over your more disorganized rivals.

About World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armoured warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys from all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 220 armoured vehicles from America, Germany, France and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy.
A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrade and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant heavy tanks to eliminate opposing armoured forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace.
TitleBut being a great tank commander alone isn't enough to win! In World of Tanks, it’s all about teamwork. Victory is achieved by combining your combat skills with those of the other members of your team, each playing their own role on the battlefield. Just add your favorite strategy to build your own iron empire and display the indisputable authority of the power 

The Ultimate Armoured Warfare Experience

New players can jump into battle in less than a minute to take part in short, decisive combat actions designed to ensure fast and action-oriented warfare. As you are thrown onto the battlefield, you must be bold, decisive and flexible to succeed in the maelstrom of iron and fire-based warfare.
Dive into intense tank-on-tank combat to enjoy an amazing new battlefield experience that provides a combination of multiple genres. A unique blend of gameplay "ingredients,” supported by top-notch graphics and stunning audio-visual effects, provides endless challenge and excitement.
Simulator. Authentic models and vehicle characteristics make you feel like a real tank commander taking part in a furious armored offensive.

RPG. Your armored steed isn't just a tin can on tracks - it’s a living, evolving mechanism that should be treated accordingly. Research your available upgrades and modifications to enhance its performance on the battlefield.

Action. Take part in joint operations to spot, track, and destroy enemy units and engage in head-on-head duels where your speed and reaction time is as important as in any co-op shooter.
Strategy. There’s only one simple rule to follow - don't be a loner. Rally your comrades to devise a battle plan and assign roles, then move out and defeat your enemy on the field of honor.of the tank!
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